

时间:2022-05-05 12:00:54来源:网络整理

商业银行作为金融业的主要支柱之一,一直以严格的内部控制和领先的风险管理着称。商业银行的内部审计也领先于大多数行业。经过几十年的商业银行内部审计发展,商业银行建立了一支制度健全、组织完善、手段先进的内部审计队伍。商业银行内部审计的先进经验也成为其他行业学习的典范。但世界并不总是和平的,商业银行的风险事件也层出不穷。一些商业银行要么没有发生重大事件,要么突然爆发了一些重大案件。无论如何,银行业对内部审计非常重视,至少在投入的资源方面,几乎没有其他行业可以与之匹敌。 2016年4月16日,银监会发布了《商业银行内部审计指引》。接下来,我们就和内审同行一起聊聊指引的相关规定。同时也欢迎内审同行参与讨论。




















“商业银行应设立独立的内部审计部门,对商业银行业务活动、风险管理、内控合规和公司治理效果的改善情况进行审查、评价和监督,制定并实施中长期审计计划和年度审计计划,并进行后续审计。 ,评估整改情况,对审计项目质量负责。内审部门对总审计师负责并向总审计师报告。”很多内审部门的中长期审计计划,尤其是长期审计计划不明确。一方面是因为内审部门是忙于日常繁重的审计任务,没有时间考虑长远规划。

6.第 14 条对内部审计师的要求




四、关于第 3 章“章程、职责和权限”








“内部审计部门有权检查各经营机构(包括分公司、附属机构)的各项业务和管理活动(包括外包业务),及时、全面地获取经营管理信息,并将有关问题报告给审计署。审计对象和行业相关人员进行调查、询问和取证。”如果内部审计部门并非由董事会或审计委员会直接管理,而是与公司总部其他职能部门同级,并由公司主管部门管理,则,内部审计部门对总部职能部门的检查难度加大。内部审计部门对公司分支机构的经营管理情况进行评价相对容易,但一旦涉及到对公司总部其他职能部门制定的政策进行评价,就会遇到很大的阻力和阻力。例如,当总部业务管理部门制定的业务政策正在分公司执行时,虽然存在不科学和不合理的方面,但内部审计部门很难获得更多评估所需的业务数据和信息。的商业政策。 .






1.第 21 条“审计计划和审计计划”

“内部审计部门应根据商业银行内部审计章程、业务性质、风险状况、管理需要和审计资源配置情况,确定审计范围、审计重点和审计频率,制定中长期审计计划和年度审计计划。 ,并报审计委员会批准。”无论是中长期审计计划还是年度审计计划,除了考虑各种综合因素外,还必须对历史数据进行分析,以预测未来趋势。确定审计的范围和重点是规划和规划的关键。审计范围必须与业务趋势以及当前和未来的审计能力保持一致。审计重点在中长期规划和年度规划中应有不同的体现。


2.第 22 条“审计前”


3.第 23 条“审计程序”

“内部审计人员应根据项目审计计划,综合运用审计、观察、访谈、调查、确认、识别、调整、分析等方法获取审计证据,并将审计过程和结论记录在审计中工作文件。 “内审和外审使用的方法类型差别不大商业银行风险偏好,但是每种方法的侧重点和效果也不同。比如,访谈是内审非常重要的一个环节,要获取的信息种类和数量是多少?”比外审要多。又比如内审比外审更难实现佐证。



4.第 24 条“异议解决机制”

“商业银行应建立异议解决机制。对审计对象提出的审计结论应当及时沟通和确认。根据内部审计章程的规定,沟通结果和审计结论应当报送有关上级机构并存档保存。 “一般来说,审计对象不会对审计事实有太多的异议,而更多的是对审计问题的定性提出异议。不同的定性审计问题对审计对象有不同的影响。

5.第 25 条“审计报告”


“内部审计人员应当按照内部审计章程将审计报告送达审计对象,向审计委员会和董事会报告,并及时与高级管理层沟通审计发现。”发送、报告和审计报告的审计结果 沟通应及时。无论审计结果多么重要,如果不能及时反馈给审计委员会、董事会或管理层,就会降低审计结果的价值。



7.第 27 条“后续审计”







1.第 30 条“内部审计活动的外包”


2.第 31 条“外包审计活动的责任”


3.第 32 条“审计活动外包的限制”







“商业银行首席审计师应对外包审计项目建立相应的知识转移机制,确保内部审计师能够最大程度地掌握专业技能,提高内部审计部门的专业能力。”通过外包外部审计活动促进内部审计 人们获得专业知识相对容易,但获得技能并不是一两个外部项目就能做到的。获取知识和获取技能是不同的概念和结果。事实上,通过外包活动,内部审计师从方法学而非具体知识中获益最多。

七、关于第 6 章“评估与问责”


“商业银行董事会应对内部审计部门建立科学的激励和约束机制,对首席审计师尽职调查的绩效进行评价。内部审计部门定期对内部审计师的专业能力进行评价。 。”既定的约束比创建激励要容易得多,因为有很多规则和规定。 Whether the audit object is punished by external supervision, whether the audit object has major risk events during the audit period, whether the audit project is implemented in accordance with the requirements of the audit guidelines, the rectification of the audit object, etc., can be used as reference factors for evaluating internal auditors. There are external regulations, guidelines from the Internal Audit Association, internal assessment requirements of banks, etc., and there are internal and external provisions restricting internal auditors. However, the establishment of the incentive mechanism must be more creative, otherwise it will be difficult to stimulate the subjective initiative of internal auditors. Just look at the retention rate of internal auditors in the organization. Before you can evaluate, many internal auditors have already found another job. Before evaluating the professional competence of internal auditors, the internal audit department must first build a professional competence system and framework, so that the internal auditors know where and how to improve their professional competence.

“The compensation level of internal auditors should not be lower than the average level of staff at the same level in other departments of the institution.” The compensation of internal auditors depends on the board or management's perception of the value created by internal auditors. Labor is a commodity, and labor provided by internal auditors is also a commodity.你得到你所付出的。 What kind of salary you give, you will also get the corresponding level of internal audit services.

2.Article 36 "Internal Audit Responsibility System"

“Commercial banks should establish an internal audit responsibility system, and clearly stipulate the due diligence requirements and accountability procedures for internal auditors. After the responsibility is determined, the internal audit department and auditors have performed their duties diligently, and their responsibilities may be reduced or exempted.” The internal audit responsibility system can regulate and restrain the behavior of internal auditors. Responsibility is the most basic requirement for good internal audit. Only by diligently performing audit projects in accordance with the bank's internal audit manual can reduce or avoid audit risks and reduce or relieve the responsibilities of internal auditors.

3.Article 37 "Performance Evaluation Basis for Audit Objects"

"The internal audit results and rectification should be used as an important basis for the performance evaluation of the audit object." The audit results and rectification can be used as an important basis for the performance evaluation of the audit object, but the question is, how to quantify the audit results and rectification? How to convince the human resources department to incorporate the audit results and rectification into the evaluation system? Who should promote the use of audit results and rectification as an important basis for the performance evaluation of audit objects?

4.Article 38 "Cooperation of Audit Objects"

"The audit object should actively cooperate with the internal audit work. Commercial banks should promptly stop the behavior of refusing, obstructing the internal audit work and rectifying ineffectiveness, and hold the relevant responsible persons accountable." Unless the audit object seriously refuses or hinders the internal audit work It is not necessary to report to the board of directors or the management how the audit object cooperates with the internal audit work, but only need to write the audit object's cooperation in the audit report. For internal audit inspections that fail to find major risks or bring major audit risks due to the subjective reasons of the audit object, the audit object or the principal person in charge of the audit object shall bear direct responsibility.

八、About "Chapter VII Regulatory Assessment"

1.Article 39 "Communication Mechanisms

“The internal audit department of a commercial bank should establish a formal communication mechanism with the banking supervision and management institution, and regularly discuss the main risks faced by the bank, the risk mitigation measures that have been taken, and the rectification situation. The frequency of communication between the two parties should Matching risk appetite and business complexity." The frequency of communication between banking supervisors and commercial banks should not only match the bank's size, risk appetite, and business complexity, but also refer to the regulator's risk rating for the bank, the bank's recent The major risk events, the degree of punishment and other factors.

2.Article 40 "Elements of Reporting to Regulatory Authorities"

The report that the internal audit department of a commercial bank should submit to the supervisory department has seven major contents: "internal audit plan, important audit findings and their rectification, comprehensive audit work report submitted to the board of directors, audit report on the bank by external institutions, The rectification report of the problems found in the supervision and inspection of the regulatory department, the self-assessment report of the internal audit quality, and other reports required by the banking regulatory authority.” Generally speaking, regulatory agencies or departments will not investigate management responsibilities for the audit findings reported by the internal audit department of a commercial bank, or determine whether to impose penalties according to the rectification situation. The report submitted by the internal audit department of a commercial bank shall not be used as the basis for the punishment of the commercial bank by the regulator or department. Institutions or departments should also give timely feedback and guidance according to the level of importance of various reports submitted by the internal audit department of commercial banks.

2.Article 41 "Designated Project Audit"

"Banking regulatory agencies may require the internal audit department of a commercial bank to complete the audit of designated projects and submit the audit results to the regulatory department." For regulatory agencies requiring the internal audit department of a commercial bank to complete designated audit projects, the internal audit department It will definitely be taken seriously, but it is also necessary to apply for the necessary resource support to the board of directors or the audit committee depending on the difficulty of the audit project and the annual audit plan. Since the regulators require the internal audit department to complete the designated projects, rather than personally perform inspections, it also shows that the regulators trust the internal audit department of commercial banks.

3.Article 42 "Regulatory Evaluation Content"

“Banking regulatory agencies evaluate the effectiveness of internal auditing of commercial banks through off-site supervision, on-site inspections, and regulatory talks. The evaluation contents include: internal audit charter; scope, frequency and effect of internal audit; company Governance mechanism; effectiveness of bank group internal audit; professional competence of internal auditors; remuneration mechanism of internal auditors; outsourcing of internal audit activities; rectification and implementation of internal audit reports and audit recommendations; internal audit accountability; others matters.” The internal audit department of a commercial bank conducts a self-assessment before the supervisory agency evaluates the internal audit work. The internal audit department's self-assessment of the internal audit work can be carried out once a year according to the above 10 items, and can be carried out together with the annual summary.

4.Article 43 "Supervision opinions on internal audit work

“Banking regulatory agencies have the right to put forward regulatory opinions on the internal audit work of commercial banks based on the evaluation results, and require them to rectify within a time limit and submit a rectification report. The effectiveness of internal audit and rectification should be included in the overall effectiveness of corporate governance and internal control. Evaluation and supervisory rating.” The internal audit department of a commercial bank should welcome the evaluation of the internal audit work by the supervisory institution, because the supervisory opinions put forward by the supervisory institution can promote the improvement of the internal audit work, and can promote the board of directors or the audit committee to pay more attention to the internal work. If conditions permit, commercial banks may increase resource investment in internal audit work and improve the status of the internal audit department and the treatment of internal auditors after the supervisory authority issues a supervisory opinion on the internal audit work.




