

时间:2022-08-14 13:01:14来源:网络整理

教育部、工业和信息化部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、自然资源部、生态环境部、住房和城乡建设部、水利部农业农村部 商务部 中国人民银行 国务院国资委 国家税务总局 国家市场监督管理总局 银保监会证监会、国家能源局、国家林业和草原局、国家知识产权局,各省、自治区、直辖市发展改革委、科技厅(委、局)直辖市:















加大对企业绿色科技创新的支持力度。财政资金支持的非基础绿色科技研发项目和市场导向明确的绿色科技创新项目,必须有企业参与。国家科技重大专项和国家重点研发计划 企业支持的绿色技术研发项目比例不低于55%。 (科技部、国家发展改革委按职责分工负责)


完善科研人员评价和激励机制,提高绿色科技创新科技成果转化在绩效评价、科研评价、职称评价中的数量、质量和经济效益的比重,晋升。允许绿色技术发明人或研发团队以持有股权、分红等形式获得技术转让和转化收益,科研人员离职后仍保留持有股权的权利。以技术转让、许可或价格投资等方式转化岗位绿色技术创新成果的,发明人或研发团队获得的纯收入比例不得低于50%。科技人员绿色科技创新成果转化取得的现金收入,符合现行税收政策规定条件的,可享受“工资”个人所得税优惠政策计征50%的优惠。科技人员当月工资收入”。高校、科研院所科研人员依法取得的绿色科技创新成果转化奖励收入,不计入单位绩效工资总额,不计入绩效总额- 基于工资。

加强绿色科技创新人才培养,在高校建立一批绿色科技创新人才培养基地,加强绿色科技相关学科建设,持续深化绿色领域新工科建设,主动培养绿色科技人才。选拔用好绿色科技创新领军人才和拔尖人才,选择部分职业教育机构开展绿色科技专业教育试点,引导技术技能人才到绿色科技领域就业,服务绿色科技创新. (科技部、教育部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部、税务总局按职责分工负责)




让龙头企业和骨干企业发挥引领作用,以企业为主导,与高校、科研院所、中介机构、金融资本等共同参与,建立多个专业的绿色科技创新联盟符合法律法规的领域和类别。加大绿色科技领域产学合作办学项目的实施力度,支持联盟整合产业链上下游资源,共同开展绿色科技创新技术研究。 (科技部、教育部、农业农村部、人力资源和社会保障部、国家发展改革委、国家能源局按职责分工负责) )


培育建设绿色科技领域国家工程研究中心、国家技术创新中心、国家科技资源共享服务平台等一批创新基地平台,优先布局京津-河北、长江经济带、珠三角等地区。在全国建立基本的长期野外生态观测研究站等科研监测观测网络和一批科学数据中心,并按要求向社会公开数据。高等学校、科研院所、国有企业和政府支持的各类绿色科技创新基地平台要向社会开放共享,绿色科技研发成果要积极向社会发布。整个社会并不断动态更新。建立各类创新基地平台评价、考核和激励机制,淘汰不合格创新基地平台,建立动态调整机制。国家科技计划项目向绿色科技创新基地平台倾斜。 (科技部、国家发展改革委牵头,自然资源部、水利部、农业农村部、国家林业和草原局参与)





完善政府支持的绿色科技科研项目立项、受理和评价机制。树立“项目来自需求,成果走向应用”的理念,建立常态化的绿色科技需求征集机制,围绕重大和关键绿色科技需求,紧密部署科研项目。改革科研绩效评价机制,建立科学分类、合理多样的评价体系,加强目标任务考核和现场验收,重点考核技术的实际效果、成熟度和示范推广价值。 (国家发展改革委、科技部、住房城乡建设部、生态环境部、工业和信息化部、自然资源部、水利部资源部、农业农村部、国家能源局、国家林草局按职责分工负责)



依法完善产品能效、用水效率、能耗配额、碳排放、污染物排放等强制性标准,定期对强制性标准进行评估,并及时更新和修订。加强标准实施,倒逼企业创新绿色技术,采用绿色技术升级转型。 (市场监管总局、科技部、发展改革委、生态环境部、住房城乡建设部牵头,部参与工信部、自然资源部、水利部、农业农村部、国家能源局)



选择市场急需、具有实用价值、具有良好发展基础的共性关键绿色技术。政府通过招标、采购等方式购买技术,通过公告等形式向社会免费推广应用。 (财政部、国家发展改革委、科技部、生态环境部牵头,国务院国资委参与)



继续推动建立统一的绿色产品认证体系。对于家电、汽车、建材等重大产品,以绿色技术标准为基础,从设计、材料、制造、消费、物流、回收、再利用等全生命周期展开。以及全产业链绿色认证。积极开展第三方认证,加强对认证结果的接受,推动认证机构对认证结果承担连带责任。 (工业和信息化部、市场监管总局、发展改革委、住房城乡建设部按职责分工负责)




加强绿色科技交易中介机构能力建设,制定绿色科技创新中介机构评价规范和管理制度,培育一批绿色科技创新第三方检测、评价、认证等中介服务机构,培育一批专业的绿色技术创新的“经纪人”。 (科技部、国家发展改革委牵头,财政部、银保监会、证监会等参与)




积极发挥国家科技成果转化引导基金作用,每年选择一批重点绿色科技创新成果支持转化应用。引导各类天使投资、创业投资基金、地方创业投资基金支持绿色科技创新成果转化。 (科技部、国家发展改革委、工业和信息化部、住房城乡建设部、生态环境部、银保监会、中国证券监管委员会等参与)



运用“园中园”模式,在国家级高新技术开发区、经济技术开发区等开展绿色科技创新转移转化示范,推动符合条件的产业集群向绿色转型科技创新集群。推进绿色生态城市建设,鼓励在绿色生态城市建设过程中积极采用绿色新技术。 (科技部、发展改革委、住房城乡建设部牵头,工业和信息化部、自然资源部、工信部参与)生态环境部、商务部、水利部、农业农村部、国家林业和草原局、国家能源局。)



完善绿色技术知识产权保护制度,加强绿色技术研发、示范、推广、应用、产业化等方面的知识产权保护。知识产权部门会同有关方面,共同建立绿色科技知识产权保护联系机制、公共服务机制、工作联动机制,开展打击绿色科技知识产权侵权专项行动。建立绿色技术侵权信息记录,并将相关信息纳入全国公共信用共享平台。加强绿色科技创新知识产权服务,推动建立绿色科技知识产权审查“快捷通道”,为绿色科技知识产权提供快速审查、快速确权、快速维权的综合服务,提高绿色科技知识产权科技知识产权统计与监测。 (国家知识产权局牵头,科技部、国家发展改革委等参与)


引导银行业金融机构合理确定绿色科技贷款融资门槛,积极开展金融创新,支持绿色科技创新企业和项目融资。研究制定公私基金绿色投资标准和行为准则,将绿色科技创新作为优先支持领域。发展多层次资本市场和并购市场,完善绿色科技创新企业投资者退出机制。鼓励绿色科技创新企业充分利用国内外市场上市融资。鼓励保险公司开发支持绿色技术创新和绿色产品应用的保险产品。鼓励地方政府通过担保基金或委托专业担保公司,为绿色科技创新的转化和示范应用提供担保或其他形式的风险补偿。涉及绿色金融和绿色科技创新的相关试点,在国务院批准的绿色金融改革创新试验区试点。 (The People's Bank of China, the National Development and Reform Commission, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(Ten 七)Promote green technology innovation in the whole society.

Organize the Green Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and reward the winning companies, institutions and individuals. Encourage relevant units to carry out service activities such as green technology innovation competitions, investment conferences, entrepreneurial roadshows, innovation forums, innovation achievement promotion conferences, auctions, trade fairs, etc., and promote the connection between green technology innovation entrepreneurs and investment and financing institutions. The state rewards individuals or organizations that have conquered major green key technologies and created significant economic and social benefits or ecological and environmental benefits in accordance with the relevant regulations on scientific and technological awards.

Promote green technology crowd-creation, establish green technology crowd-creation spaces in science parks and entrepreneurship bases where innovation resources are concentrated, and guide university researchers to establish green technology innovation enterprises. Encourage enterprises and scientific research institutions to carry out green technology innovation activities, establish incentive mechanisms, and improve employees' awareness of green innovation.

Strengthen the promotion of green technology innovation through platforms such as the National "Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship" Week, National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, June 5th Environment Day, and National Low-Carbon Day, and guide various media to increase publicity efforts, explore typical cases, and promote successful experiences. Create a cultural atmosphere of green technology innovation in the whole society, promote the dissemination of green technology innovation information and knowledge, and actively guide green development methods and lifestyles. (Led by Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and participated by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, etc.)

六、Strengthen green technology innovation opening to the outside world and international cooperation

(10八)Deepen international cooperation in green technology innovation.

Deeply participate in global environmental governance and promote international exchanges and cooperation in the field of green technology innovation. Relying on cooperation mechanisms such as the G20), the Belt and Road Initiative, and the BRICS countries, promote the establishment of cooperation institutions such as the "Belt and Road" Green Technology Innovation Alliance, and strengthen international exchanges on green technology innovation.

Actively disseminate green technology innovation concepts and achievements by holding expositions, forums and other forms, promote international transactions and transfer of green technology, and promote leading enterprises to play a leading role in some international green technology research and development fields. Carry out the selection and promotion of the world's top ten best energy-saving technologies and ten best energy-saving practices ("Double Top Ten"), and promote the popularization and application of outstanding green technology achievements. (The Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

(Ten 九)Increase the opening up of green technology innovation.

Actively introduce international advanced green technology, encourage international green technology holders to promote the transformation and implementation of green technology innovation achievements in China by means of technology investment and cooperative establishment of enterprises, and strengthen the property rights protection of international green technology. Support national economic and technological development zones to build international cooperation ecological parks, foreign green technology innovation enterprises wholly or jointly establish green technology innovation parks in China or build "parks within a park", and enjoy the same preferential policies as domestic enterprises according to regulations.

Actively create favorable conditions, encourage qualified enterprises, undergraduate universities, vocational colleges and research institutes to "go global", carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in accordance with international rules, and promote the transformation and application of mature green technologies in other countries. (The Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall be responsible according to the division of responsibilities)

七、Organize implementation

(two十)Strengthen overall coordination.

The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology took the lead in establishing an inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for green technology innovation. All regions and departments should, in light of their own realities, strengthen policy alignment, formulate implementation plans or strengthen innovation support for related fields, strengthen organizational leadership, clarify responsibilities, increase investment, and effectively implement various tasks and measures. (led by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology)

(Twenty一)Strengthen evaluation and assessment.

Strengthen green technology innovation policy evaluation and performance evaluation, establish a green technology innovation evaluation system, and incorporate green technology innovation achievements, promotion and application into the evaluation and assessment content of innovation-driven development, high-quality development, and ecological civilization construction. (led by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission)

(Twenty二)Strengthen demonstration and leadership.

To give full play to the roles of green technology innovation comprehensive demonstration zone, green technology engineering research center, green technology innovation center, green enterprise technology center, etc., to explore the effective mode of green technology innovation and green management system synergistic force, and to summarize the replicable and popularization in a timely manner. Practice and successful experience, play a leading role in demonstration. (led by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission)

National Development and Reform Commission

Ministry of Science and Technology

April 15, 2019




